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Debbie Griffith
Debbie Griffith of Avery County has been certified by the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA) as a Master Beekeeper
Phoebe Snyder
How can we breed better, mite resistant bees? Our August 23 speaker will share some research […]
Toe Cane Beekeepers once again will have a booth in the Mt. Mitchell Craft Fair in […]
Saturday, July 23 — Toe Cane Members Appreciation Picnic and Day in the Bee Yard.Please join […]
A swarm trap
by Rick Harty On the afternoon of Tuesday, May 10, while working my bees on the […]
A queen bee surrounded by workers
The May 24 meeting of the Toe Cane Beekeepers will include a panel discussion and "ask the beekeeper" session.
Shirt designs
New T-shirts for beekeepers are available in several styles from the Toe Cane Beekeepers Association of Western North Carolina.
Bob Binnie
Commercial beekeeper and YouTube personality Bob Binnie will be the guest speaker at the Toe Cane Beekeepers Association meeting on April 26.
A maple blossom in the spring.
by Andrea Laine and David Reeder Spring was in the air. You could feel it in […]