The bee club already has lots of interesting plans for the new year, with high hopes for good overwintering success for everyone. We are all a little stressed by the events of the past few months, and our bees are no exception. They will need our care this year more than ever.
The new Board has outlined some exciting efforts being planned for 2025.
Helene recovery
Efforts continue, and we have many kind-hearted people coming to help those of us who lost property, bees and bee equipment. We are finalizing a plan to begin distribution of equipment we have already received, as well as equipment promised in the future. We are using the results of the bee-loss survey sent to everyone a few months ago as a way to track the needs for each beekeeper.
Here’s a summary of recovery aid either received or pledged to date:
- Cash donations of $10,070.00 have been received for the Educational Apiary on the Mayland campus.
- Cash collected during the Black Jar Honey Contest which included judging, silent auction and donations totaled $1,880.00.
- Our post-Helene recovery cash donations totaled $1,450.00.
- Bailey Bee Supply delivered about 2 dozen bee jackets of various sizes.
- Ashe County Beekeepers shared some of their donations with us – 10 deep boxes and 100 frames
- Former members Wayne and Robin Smith donated a truck load of miscellaneous beekeeping equipment
- Bee clubs from Cumberland, Sampson, and Wilson Counties have pledged to send some equipment, seeds for ground cover and bees in the spring.
- Zach Gellman, a member who lost many of his hives to Helene, has offered to donate some of his used equipment that he will no longer be using as he rebuilds his apiary
- Larry and Marianne Siers of Elizabeth, W.Va., read about our losses and contacted Mountain Strong who then referred them to me. They have pledged to build all the equipment listed on our bee loss master list (dozens of boxes) and deliver it to us sometime in February. Be on the lookout for details about this wonderful donation and a plan to properly thank them.
Queen-rearing grant
Our club was one of 10 clubs from across the state to receive a Queen Micro Breeder Initiative grant from NC State University, valued at $2,500. You can read all about it HERE. This grant will provide specialized equipment for raising queens, as well as provide advanced education for members. A spring startup is planned at our new Educational Apiary at Mayland Community College. Please volunteer to help with this fun project. More information will be shared at the Feb. 25 meeting.
February 25 meeting
We will resume regular monthly meetings at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Spruce Pine. Our speaker will be Scott Davis, owner of Garren Creek Apiaries, Fairview. Scott is a NCSBA Master Beekeeper and a 14-year veteran beekeeper. He will talk about getting ready for spring: nucs vs. packages, spring feeding, and problems to watch for. More info to follow.
Dues for 2025
If you have not already done so, please join or renew your membership in Toe Cane. You can do so online at Or pay in person at our February 25 meeting. Dues are only $10 for a single membership, $15 for a family, or $100 for a lifetime membership which saves you from remembering to renew every year! Membership has benefits: You can borrow, for a very small fee, the club extracting equipment; get a mentor to help you learn more about bees; enjoy hands-on demonstrations in the club Apiary, advertise your apiary on our Facebook page, and hear monthly speakers at club meetings.
Bee School
We are planning for a two-day introductory Bee School to be held in April. If you’re an aspiring beekeeper or just need a refresher about bee management, this school is a quick introduction to bee biology, equipment, and a down-to-earth reminder that keeping bees is both challenging and rewarding. More info and how to sign up will be shared soon.
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