Saturday, July 23 — Toe Cane Members Appreciation Picnic and Day in the Bee Yard.
Please join us for our annual picnic for an afternoon of bee talk and summer fare. Once again, the picnic will be held at President Ed Geouge’s Blue Rock Apiary, 3885 Blue Rock Road, Burnsville, from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 23. The club will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, and we ask members to bring a covered dish to share. Special guest will be our local apiary inspector Lewis Cauble, who will talk about his favorite parasite Varroa Destructor, and ways to diagnose and control this pest. He’ll demonstrate the sugar shake method of measuring mite loads and talk about treatment options. He’ll also offer some expert tips for doing inspections of your colonies, so bring your bee suit in order to participate. Remember, the picnic is for club members only and is the club’s way of saying thank you to our members who have contributed to the club. If you’re new and still thinking about joining, it’s not too late to join by visiting our website ( and we’ll welcome you at the picnic.

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