Burton Beasley

Do probiotics have any measurable gut benefits for honeybees? 

Burton Beasley, a Master Craftsman Beekeeper, will talk about his recently published research project with NC State University on whether probiotics live up to the claims of better bee health. The meeting is slated for Tuesday, May 28, and is open to the public. It will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the the Trinity Episcopal Church, 15 Hemlock St., Spruce Pine, NC 28777.

Beasley has been beekeeping since 2009 in the Foothills/Piedmont of North Carolina.  What began as a small backyard beekeeping endeavor of maintaining a dozen or so hives, quickly grew to a side-liner operation of a couple hundred hives – the Beasley Honey Co.

Beasley is the youngest of 13 Master Craftsman beekeepers, the highest level of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association’s Master Beekeeper Program. He is very active with his local county chapter of Gaston County Beekeepers Association of NC, where he serves as educational coordinator & program chair. Burton is also a past Vice President and Regional Director for the North Carolina State Beekeepers Assoc.

Toe Cane Beekeepers Association is a nonprofit organization serving the honey bees and beekeepers of Mitchell, Avery and Yancey counties. It offers educational and training opportunities throughout the year for new and experienced beekeepers and engages in community outreach through area schools and at special events. For more information, visit www.toecanebeekeepers.net


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