Borrow Uncapping Equipment


Members in good standing may borrow one set of club-owned uncapping equipment with with or without borrowing an extractor.

Available items include:

  • Uncapping tank
  • Hot knife
  • Uncapping fork
  • Metal sieves/filters
  • 5-gallon bucket Bucket with honey gate

SKU: Uncapping-Kit Category:


Members in good standing may borrow one set of club-owned uncapping equipment with with or without borrowing an extractor.

Available items include:

  • Uncapping tank
  • Hot knife
  • Uncapping fork
  • Metal sieves/filters
  • 5-gallon bucket Bucket with honey gate

With an Extractor

If you are renting an extractor and you want to borrow this equipment at the same time, you MUST add it to your cart prior to checkout to avoid the possibility that another member will be using it.

Equipment Pickup and Drop Off

You must clean all equipment prior to drop off.  Any damage or problems with the equipment must be reported to the equipment officer at drop off.

This equipment is rented on a weekly basis.  All pickups are on Saturday and drop-offs are on Friday, unless otherwise agreed to by the equipment manager.

  • All equipment is to be picked up and dropped off at the shed behind the Yancey County Extension office and must be done face-to-face with the TCBA Equipment Manager or a TCBA officer.
  • Only TCBA members may pick up equipment. The equipment manager may require you to present ID and a valid credit card at pick up.
  • Members are prohibited from picking equipment up from other members or dropping it off at other locations without permission of the club president.
  • With the prior approval of the TCBA Equipment Manager, you maybe able to arrange to pick up the equipment later or return it earlier, but it must be within the seven-day window from Saturday to Friday. For example, if you chose to pick up the equipment on a Monday, it still must be returned on Friday.

Equipment Use is a Privilege

Please remember that use of club equipment is a privilege. Those who abuse the equipment, fail to return it on time, return it dirty, damaged, or broken may lose that privilege.

Additional information

Dates Needed

Waiting List, July 13 – 19, July 20 – 26, July 27 – Aug. 2, Aug. 3 – 9, Aug. 10 – 16, Aug. 17 – 23, Aug 24 – 30, Aug. 31 – Sept. 6, Sept. 7 – 13, Sept. 14 – 20, Sept. 21 – 27

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