Integrated Pest Management Resources

These resources will help you get started implementing an IPM approach to varroa management.

Methods to Control Varroa Mites: An Integrated Pest Management Approach

Published in 2019 by Penn State Extension, this is a good review of the problem varroa presents and how IPM may provide a solution.

Managing Varroa Mites in Honey Bee Colonies

Published in 2016 by the NC State Extension, this article gives a thorough review of mite biology, mite testing or detection methods, and mite treatment

Best Management Practices for Hive Health

Published in 2019 by the Honey Bee Health Coalition, this guide for beekeepers covers a range of diseases, It includes extensive information on IPM and varroa.

Apiary Services of the NCDA&CS

The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Apiary Program provides disease and disorder inspection and fumigation services as well as educational workshops.

Randy Oliver is the dean of scientific beekeeping and his website provides a wealth of information and useful tools for managing varroa as well as other diseases. Includes multiple journal articles and research.